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What is the difference between FCVS and UA?

The Federation Credentials Verification Service (FCVS) is a service provided to physicians and physician assistants that creates a lifetime repository of core credentials that can simplify the medical licensure process. FCVS obtains primary source verification of medical education, post graduate training, and examinations to create a permanent credentials profile that can be used throughout the medical professional’s career. Initial and Subsequent applications for FCVS are used for verification of your credentials and is not an application for licensure. Learn more about FCVS

Uniform Application (UA)
The Uniform Application (UA) is a standard licensure application used by many state medical boards. The UA serves as the core application for medical licensure without replacing unique state-level requirements and eliminates the redundancy of entering information when applying for licensure in multiple states.

The Uniform Application is used by state medical boards for licensure processes. See the list of boards that use the Uniform Application (UA). In addition to completing the UA to apply for licensure, verification of documents related to a physician’s identity, education, training, and more is an important part of the overall licensure process. Many state medical boards accept the use of the Federation Credentials Verification Service (FCVS) for credentials verification. Several boards actually require this service. Please note that FCVS fees are separate from board fees and the UA one-time service fee.

If applicants choose to use FCVS, FSMB recommends that the FCVS application be submitted prior to completing the UA. This will help to ensure that the licensure application does not expire prior to completing the credentialing. Please review the additional instructions below.

If you are using FCVS for credentials verification:

  • Do not complete the UA Medical Education Verification, Postgraduate Training Verification, or Fifth Pathway Verification forms. Do not send identity documents, transcripts, certificates, or examination scores to the board unless instructed to do so by the board. FCVS will process these documents for you.
  • Select “FCVS” from the portal then sign in and continue as directed. Complete an initial application with FCVS if you are using FCVS for the first time. Complete a subsequent application with FCVS if you need to update your FCVS profile.
  • During the FCVS application process, designate which medical boards should receive your FCVS profile. Please note that profiles with self-designations are not accepted by boards; they are only for each physician’s use.
  • If you need assistance call 888-275-3287 with your Federation ID (FID) number between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Eastern Time Monday through Friday.

If you are not using FCVS for credentials verification:

  • If your name is not the same on all of your submitted documents, send the board a certified copy of a legal name change document (e.g., marriage certificate, divorce decree, court order).
  • Contact each appropriate examination entity to have a certified transcript of your scores sent directly from the exam entity to the board. If you have taken any component of the NBME in conjunction with another exam (USMLE/FLEX), request scores from the NBME. For exam entity contact information, see the UA FAQ.
  • Complete the UA Medical School Verification, Postgraduate Training Verification, and Fifth Pathway Verification (if applicable) forms as directed on each form. The UA Medical School Verification form should be accompanied by a copy of your diploma if you graduated from that school. A certified transcript must be sent to the board from the appropriate educational institution. If your transcript or any other document submitted is in a language other than English, please provide a certified translation.
  • If you are an International Medical Graduate, request from ECFMG that your ECFMG Certificate, Fifth Pathway Program Certificate, and/or FMGEMS certificate be sent to the medical board, as applicable. See the UA FAQ for contact information.