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FSMB Public Policy Compendium

FSMB’s official public policies are intended to give guidance and encourage consistency ... state medical boards in addressing trends in medical practice and regulation in order to protect the public

Hoc Committee Physician Impairment

The Federation of State Medical Boards of ... the US, Inc., accepted this Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Physician Impairment as policy in April

Paper SPEX Practice Test (free)

The FSMB provides the SPEX Information Bulletin and a free, paper and pencil practice test that should provide familiarity ... that should provide familiarity with the formats used in the exam.

JMR Seeks Editor-in-Chief

The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), publisher of the Journal of Medical Regulation ... appointed a search committee to identify the next Editor-in-Chief for JMR.
