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2020 Grant Guidelines & Funding Criteria

The FSMB Foundation is accepting grant requests for nonprofit project funding. The Foundation is dedicated to supporting organizations that conduct research and education-related projects

Paper SPEX Practice Test (free)

The FSMB provides the SPEX Information Bulletin and a free, paper and pencil practice test that should provide familiarity with the formats used in the exam.

Licensure Verification Information

If you are using the Uniform Application to apply for licensure, the Licensure Verification Form (Form #1)can be used as a written request.


Providing a Strong Voice and Leadership


FSMB Education Services provides educational tools and resources that enhance the quality of medical regulation and raise public awareness of the vital role of state medical boards.  The FSMB

Anne L.

What attracted you to work at your company? How did you know it would be a good fit? What are you responsible for in your current role? What are you working on right now that excites or inspires


The SPEX ® is a computerized, multiple-choice examination of current knowledge requisite for the general, undifferentiated practice of medicine.
