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FSMB Disclosure Policy

The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) requires all instructors, ... planners, reviewers, managers, and other individuals in a position to control or influence the content of

Data Commons Launches Physician Data Services

Washington, D.C., July 28, 2014-Data Commons, LLC, a new company that delivers data about physicians, launched its first services today. Data Commons provides data about physician enrollment,

Grant Opportunities

boards to upgrade and innovate technology systems used in licensing, discipline, and public outreach and communication ... IMPROVING STATE MEDICAL BOARD TECHNOLOGY FOR PROCESSES IN LICENSING, DISCIPLINE, AND PUBLIC COMMUNICATION AND

Evaluation of Undergraduate Medical Education

This report addresses accreditation standards applied to medical school programs located ... criteria that could be used by state medical boards in classifying international medical schools.

Harris Poll Executive Summary

Our aim in conducting the State Medical Boards Awareness Study ... Our aim in conducting the State Medical Boards Awareness Study was to measure national awareness
